Venice Beach Freakshow's Two-Headed, Six-Legged Dragon Is 'Amazingly Cute'

A two-headed bearded dragon is set to be the latest attraction at the Venice Beach Freakshow.A dragon with two heads and six legs sounds like something out of Greek mythology, not a pet. But for Todd Ray, owner of California’s Venice Beach Freakshow, that’s just what Pancho and Lefty is — or shall we say, are.

The 2 1/2-month-old two-headed bearded dragon arrived safely at Ray’s West Coast doorstep last week, shipped from its birthplace just outside of Dayton, Ohio, through an animal transport company.

As with most of his freak animals, Ray discovered the conjoined-twin lizard on an online forum. And like most of us, the original owner had never seen anything like it. After two months of caring for the remarkable creature, the hobbyist breeder had grown attached to it, but Ray says he persuaded him to make the sale.”I told him, ‘This is what we do. These are the types of animals that we’re used to taking care of and that we love to bring to the public so that they can see these living miracles.'”

“He was excited about that,” Ray told AOL News. “He didn’t want them to end up in someone’s home or in a situation where they might not make it.”

The immediate payment of nearly $5,000 also helped sway the owner’s decision.

So far, Pancho and Lefty are doing well. Ray closed the Freakshow for several days in order to stay home and ensure the double dragon was adjusting to its new environment. Of course, much of that time was spent just watching the lizard — or lizards — in fascination.

“They’re amazingly cute,” he said. “And their colors are really nice.”

via Venice Beach Freakshow’s Two-Headed, Six-Legged Dragon Is ‘Amazingly Cute’.

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